Technical Details

General Information

Archie runs on what is traditionally known as a LAMP  (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server. It is available for download in two different distribution methods, either through the git distribution system, or as an Oracle Virtualbox image. As a Virtualbox image the Archie server can be run Linux, OS X, Windows, or Solaris. On the client side, Archie supports most any platform with a relatively modern web browser including tablets and smart phones.

Release Schedules and Objectives

Historically our release schedule has been tied to the Coopers Ferry summer excavations. By May 1st of each year we would aim to provide a highly stable version that can be used during the summer excavation season. A second release on Sept 1st of each year aims to implement any adjustments/improvements that were requested over the summer dig season in time for any fall digs. For the immediate future we will be maintaining this release schedule. Based on feedback from new users we may adjust this in the future.

Bugs and Planned features are tracked at GitHub using their internal issues tracker. We will create Milestones for each planned release and associate issues accordingly.

Fall 2015 Release – Sept 1st

  • Full web Installer
  • Switch to transactional tables for most records, verify minimal performance impact on low power hardware
  • Add 3D model & media uploads to Level records
  • Numerous fixes for MacOSX hosts
  • Add per site unit & quad settings

Spring 2015 Release – May 1st

The following are the main goals of the Spring 2015 Release

  • Improve backup automation
  • Implement Krotovina and Feature searching methods
  • Add additional Export methods
  • Complete Krotovina and Feature image/3d model functionality